UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

@joeyJ56 I am sure that when they officially send you the decision it will show engineering in case you were accepted in engineering. Anyway i feel like we will know everything by the end of the day

@courtneymmmk I have the additional notes as well

@dorj3221 It does, especially that it includes asking for the transcripts from my now school & then also mentioning the business school. Staying optimistic and trying not to jinx it though, haha.

Well, here’s to hoping we all get accepted & Badgers win tonight!!!

I know it’s supposed to come out at 7 but I keep checking anyways I’m so nervous lol

My transfer credit eval is up! Pretty sure that’s a sign of acceptance.

Also, for people wondering when these Transfer Credit Evaluations went up, I had been checking the website thoroughly yesterday and the transfer credit eval was not there during the day. Only after 10 p.m. did it pop up under “My Academics”. You will also probably notice that you can now do more with your financial aid tab as well (if you filled out your FAFSA).

I’m also not banking on this being a full sign for acceptance, but it’s looking pretty promising.

@joeyJ56 same here!

I have no credit evaluation I have a bad feeling

@erlolo Same. At this point it seems pretty certain if you got one you were accepted and if not you were denied. Hopefully we can appeal the decision.

I wouldn’t say that the presence of an evaluation means anything as of right now. On the site, it says that the Priority Decision applicants will receive an evaluation by the end of March, which doesn’t specify that only admitted applicants will. I wouldn’t say having one right now guarantees acceptance, nor does not having one guarantee denial. There’s still a week left for priority decisions anyway.

True True well If I don’t get in I hope it is for the best because I don’t wanna be at a school where I can’t get into my Major.

That is true. I guess I’m just going to try to keep an open mind right now. Nothing will be final until we see it word for word i guess

@AOSHopefulBadger I just don’t see why they’d bother doing a credit evaluation if you did not get accepted? Not saying everyone who doesn’t have a credit evaluation got denied because there still is time, but why would they bother to post it if you did get denied. Just a thought. Also, not sure if the people who aren’t seeing it posted are priority or regular decision. That could make a difference.

I’m priority decision and i don’t have an evaluation.

@Nayven i agree with you, it doesn’t seem very logical. But I think @AOSHopefulBadger was just giving us a little reassurance that nothing should really be making us jump to conclusions as of now

I have a priority decision as well no eval

I am sure everyone else who did not receive one has been worried about it all day. I have been stressed out and worrying what my next step is, but for the next few hours it might just be best to stop looking into it everything, do something we enjoy, and try to keep our minds off of it. Hopefully it all works out and we just jumped to a conclusion.

I agree regarding credit transfer evaluation. Not sure why they would give it if we dont get in. But I also think that just because you didn’t get it yesterday (or whenever this week) means you are denied. Maybe they just haven’t done them all yet or are waiting for something.

@Swope20 totally agree with you. its not worth worrying about til we see it in print