UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

Correct me if I am wrong, but think everyone that applied after Jan hasn’t had a transfer eval. So I really don’t think it is anything to worry about, it seems purely based on time of application submission.

I applied after January and have a transfer eval.

I applied Jan 20th and got eval.

did mine in January no eval well all I can do is hope for the best I have a feeling they might postpone me because last semester I only had 12 credits while this semester I will complete another 18

Nothing is final yet. Let’s all just enjoy today because it’s Friday and the weather is amazing!(where I am at least). Just stay positive and optimistic :slight_smile:

It could even be alphabetical or random

It’s 7. In case decisions come out now, please list your major, GPA, and number of credits so that we don’t have to go back and forth to see your stats and decision


how is deferred different from postponed?


Major business marketing (not accepted into that yet) 3.83 gpa and 52 credits. Just got the acceptance letter on the website no email yet

@fairmaid Congrats! May I ask your stats and specific major?

Seems like I was rejected from my first major(Mechanical engineering), but I was accepted to my second choice, physics. I guess the reason is that 16 of my 60 credits didn’t transfer, even though I have a GPA of 3.822 of mostly hard STEM courses :frowning: . Anyway I’ll call Monday to see if I can evaluate them.

Congrats to the accepted students!!

Accepted as well, seems like the transfer credit report was a good sign after all!

accepted into college of letters and sciences… wanted to be engineering so don’t know what to do know. Congrats to everyone and if you didn’t get in keep your head held high

Accepted to college of letters and sciences. Currently electrical engineering at my school.

Gpa 3.8
Will have 64 credits by end of this semester.

Accepted !!!
Nursing Major

GPA 4.0
62 Credits

Deferred. Anyone know the chances of getting in after being deferred?

GPA: 3.53
Major: Dietetics
Volunteered in science olympics

Dean's list student

Did anyone get the same decision?
Also, did someone with GPA of 3.5 got accepted?

@beachchick5 If you don’t mind, what is your stats?