UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

@optimism23 How many credits did you have? The lower your credits the less likely you will be accepted.

@maryhelen1 not sure but I was deferred as well.

Accepted. Just spent freshman year at University of Arizona and got a 3.82 taking 17 units first semester. Taking 17 units this semester and sophomore classes on track for a 4.0. Very involved around campus and happy to finally make it in after being deferred then denied last year!

@EngineEstein Hi, I have done 55 hours + 13 in progress

Also deferred. If I am on track to have even a better GPA this semester than last I should then get in right? I am a freshman and had 3.5 GPA first semester, on track for 3.6-3.7 GPA this semester as of now.

Hey @EngineEstein i’m in the same boat as you. Can you make sure to let me know what they say? I’m EE but got accepted to letters and sciences as well. I’m not sure how the process will be/what classes I would take. Planning on going into my junior year.

@swope20 What’s your intended major

@optimism23 Computer Science

@optimism23 I’m a freshman at a UW school so I don’t have much but I had a 3.32 which is low because of my grade in bio (i got a C) :expressionless: i mean if i even got a B in bio my gpa would’ve been up to a 3.6/7 , but my essays were extremely well written (in the first I talked about how my determination goes unnoticed), lots extracurriculars in high school. I even had my bio professor AND bio lab professor write a recommendation for me because of the low grade. I can’t imagine that those letters would be anything less than me striving to achieve. ugh but yeah those are my stats, congrats to everyone who got in

@beachchicks5 Oh, I’m so sorry… are you going to appeal?
never think a good school makes something out of you… It’s all in your hand, and never let such things stand in your way of being great!

@optimism23 I’m not sure if i will appeal or not yet. I guess i’m going to call them Monday and ask if its worth appealing if my grades improve this semester/why i was denied.

And thanks a lot :slight_smile: , i know! Just disappointing

@optimism23 are you going to appeal?

Accepted. I wish everyone the best of luck no matter what they heard tonight!

@beachchick5 Yes, I believe I deserve to be accepted, and I belive in fighting for what I want

@Nayven what were your stats please :slight_smile:

@optimism23 I had a 3.51 and got deferred, not rejected…how many credits did you have

@optimism23 I currently go to a community college in Illinois.
3.8 Gpa, academic honors and I am in honors classes. I’m a sociology major, but picked lots of different types of classes. I had strong essays, good ECs and two strong letters of recommendation. I’m also a Phi Theta Kappa officer and a peer tutor at my college. I’ll also be graduating this year with my associates degree (but it doesn’t matter much since I’m out of state). Even with my stats, I’m honestly SUPER surprised I got in. I’ve heard of people with a 4.0 getting rejected, but a 3.0 getting accepted.

@nolan15 thats weired I’m 3.53 and have done 55 hours plus 13 in progress…
I hope you get accepted! Good luck

@nayven really 3.00??? And got accepted!
Well, your stats are very good, good luck to you I wish you all the best!

@optimism23 I feel your pain. I have a 3.822 with 45 credits and 15 in progress. I have taken 3 calculus based physics courses, 3 calculus courses and differential equations along with 3 hard engineering courses plus with other courses (English and gen ed). Still, I got rejected from engineering. I really thought I would get in :’(