UW Madison Spring 2016 Transfer Thread

mine is sprng too!

I wonder if it means anything.

It doesn’t, it has always said Sprng.

Kind of freaking out. Has anyone who turned in their transfer app late October not received a decision back yet?

@charvs96 - I turned mine in July 6th and still haven’t heard back, you’re going to be ok :wink:

Did any international student get accepted?

I’m an international student and I haven’t heard back yet. I don’t have high hopes because my GPA wasn’t fantastic and I’m guessing transferring into UW Madison is really hard for OOS and international students.

I am an international student, and I don’t have anything in my UW

My notifications changed last night saying they were missing my spring transcripts from 2015. I called them today and they said they withdrew my application because they didn’t receive them on time. What kind of makes me mad is that I sent them my unofficial grade report for the two classes in August because they said they didn’t need the official transcripts for those two classes to make a decision on acceptance, but I could send my unofficial grades if they were good grades to help with admission, which I did. So now they have to see IF they can reinstate my application after they get those official grades. Fortunately I still have the email traffic which shows that one of their representatives told me not to send those. Regardless, I’m pretty mad and am considering just going to CU-Boulder.

Anyone got into college of engineering?

Wow @f15ECC I am super sorry you’re having all of those problems! Keep us updated!

@f15ECC You were accepted. Did they cancel your application? Or you just need to send the Spring transcript to verify it?

still nothing!!!

Same here :frowning:


@Jemieur I haven’t been accepted, they have to reinstate my application and basically start over with mine. They never even evaluated my transcripts even though they had official transcripts for 26 semester hours and unofficial transcripts for another 7 semester hours. I’m not really getting my hopes up, you would think if they wanted to accept me they would’ve evaluated what they had and asked to verify for the other two classes.

@f15ECC Don’t worry about it. I think it will be fine. Happy Thanksgiving.

@Jemieur Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to you too, first thanksgiving home in 8 years for me =]. UW updated my material status and notifications so now it says it’s up for review again. Hopefully the rest of us will start getting some notifications either this Friday or next.

Good Luck @f15ECC! I hope you hear back positively asap!

Anything yet? I haven’t heard a peep!