UW Madison Spring 2016 Transfer Thread

I heard that they are going to send out the second batch of decisions December 11th!

YAY! Thats good news! :slight_smile:

I mean it’s not as good as Dec 4th… :confused: it’s extrmely stressful when you might have to find a sublettor for your apartment that you’re leaving and then try to find one there.

Yeah that sucks. I heard they usually send out decisions on Fridays though. So hopefully this Friday the 4th or next Friday. Have you heard back yet?

Hey everyone!
I was hoping you guy’s could give me an honest opinion on the chance that I am accepted.

Sophomore at UW-Oshkosh.
2.81 Cumulative GPA-grades have a positive slope over my 2 semesters.
Board member of the Collegiate Entrepreneur Organization.
Started my own business at age 19(legally it’s filed as an LLC)
Volunteer at a paralysis foundation several times a year.
I won’t bother listing my high school activities, although there are a few.

1 letter of recommendation, but it is from the associate dean of our business school. Should I get another if possible??

Note: I Letter’s and Science.

Thanks so much for any input!

Just like to add… I had a rough 1st semester and that my second semester GPA was a 3.1

@charvs96 No I haven’t heard back yet. I have a 3.6 cumulative ima Wisconsin resident and have some extracurriculars and I was accepted for this semester but didn’t end up going because of some complications. Idk if that helps or hurts though.

@Mnoonan42 it’s pretty late to try and get another letter of rec. Unless you can have that in like tomorrow. But they like seeing upward trends in grades and good breadth of coursework I know.

You applied for fall 2015 too? I have kind of a crappy Gpa but I’m Indian and lots of extracurriculars and I heard they sometimes accept Indians cause of the minority but not sure

Thanks for the input @BraxtonJ I do in fact have a great breadth of coursework. I may, oddly enough, have the ability for another letter of rec, so Ill probably try for that. @charvs96 I’ve heard being Indian helps a great deal.

Hey, guys.
Just wondering if the status of rec showing up on the student center. My professor finally sent the rec, but it didn’t go through. So I have sent the copy of it to the Admission via email. They told me that it will be added in the near future.

Compared to your guys’ stats, I probably don’t stand a chance :confused: Still waiting for this Friday or next to find out, staying cautiously optimistic.

Technically a junior but I plan on taking at least 2 more years of schooling to double major.
Cumulative GPA: 2.0 (~2.5 by the end of the current semester)
ACT: 35 (basically all I have to my name academically)
Major: Currently Art but I hope to major in Environmental Science as well due to my growing interest in the field and my capability of understanding logic based courses returning (see below, were I to major in environmental science at my current university, it would require an additional 66 credits, compared to UW-Madison which would require and additional 26 credits)
Extracurriculars: Part of my current university’s newspaper staff, Academic Honor Society, Hall Events Committee, Intramural Softball (and more from High School)
Volunteering: Food packing a few years ago and another Food packing organization in the next week.
2 letters of recommendation: one from a professor who majored in Art at UW-Madison, the other my current Chemistry professor.

My poor GPA I explained in my statement is I recently discovered my body is unable to properly metabolize medications that would help me focus in school, except for 1 that was released only 2 years ago. Since I have started this medication, my grades and interest in school has increased significantly. Also various personal/family/medical issues affected my GPA.

Spring Semester 2015 I earned a 4.0 (9 credits, Art courses to build a portfolio)
Summer: 3.0 (3 credits, Social Justice)
Current Semester: ~3.85(18 credits, Chem, Math, English, Art History, and Photography)
I did send in my current grades, which they accepted.

I’m not getting my hopes too high obviously, but feel free to let me know where you think I stand :slight_smile:
Good luck you guys!

Also, looking back at the Spring 2015 transfer thread, it looks like December 5th was the date for an incoming freshmen notification rather than a transfer notification, seems December 12th was when most found out. So I’m guessing it may be the 11th this year?

Maybe tomorrow y’all! The fall freshman thread didn’t get acceptances last weekend either (I don’t think so anyways) so its fair game for all of us! WOOO!

My notifications changed to “We have received your application. Check back here for updates on your application status.” and they evaluated my transcripts, it shows they accepted 33 credits but I’m going to have to take a couple classes over and take an english placement test. Sooooo I’m hoping I get an acceptance notification later today. We shall see.

Hey folks,

On my application material status, it says " College transcript requested", does this mean that they will make a decision after I submit my final transcript? I have already turned in one college transcript. I did call them and they said that I need to turn in my final transcript after my finals are done. They did not give me a clear answer on if they made a decision or not.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I got nothing updated on my student center!! So does it mean you got accepted? @f15ECC

@z0zeng, the people that have gotten accepted prior mentioned that once they got accepted their “academics” section updates showing your transcripts. So I hope that means I got accepted but I haven’t gotten an email saying I did or not yet.

@f15ECC It says on the website they don’t evaluate transfer credits until you are accepted so I’d say you most likely did! :slight_smile: Congrats!

Anyone has any update on your student center???