UW Madison Waitlist 2022

the waiting is torture, isn’t it? I feel like it’s me waiting to hear, not my kid!

No news here either…anxiously waiting to have some sort of answer

Do they email us letting us know? I’m not sure how we find out if we got off the waitlist.

This is our first experience with college “rejection” so I’m not sure. I assume they email the applicant, as that’s how we found out about the waitlist in March.

@poppy20202 I have been checking every 2 seconds. It’s driving me nuts, I wish they would just tell us already !

yep. i had to walk away.

Yes, my son was emailed last week. Email says to log in and check status.

Did they tell your son when he has until to make his decision of If he will attend? I haven’t visited so if I get off waitlist I would need some time to do that before deciding.

He had 10 days.

@poppy20202 They are always very vague/have automated responses. That’s good that they said that though because that means the waitlist is still open. I saw last year a lot of people getting in May 13th or this upcoming Saturday so hopefully by then we’ll all know.

it seems like everybody didn’t get off the waitlist, except the one who got off on 4/29th. I hope that means not many accepted students enroll in the class this year. Wish everybody good luck, and if you get it off, please please please share it with us, thank you!!!

OOS applications for UW Madison were much higher this year than previous years. It seems likely that OOS applicants who were accepted during the initial acceptance window, likely will be the students who pick other universities as those opportunities open up and final decisions need to be made. If the ratio of WI to OOS students is where the University wants it to be for 2018 admissions, now, then it would seem that OOS applicants on the waitlist will have more invitations to be admitted than WI students.

I am hopeful, however, for a few WI students on waitlist. Grueling process. Good luck to all.

Did you guys get waitlisted for arts and sciences or for some other school? I’m OOS for arts&sciences.

My son heard from a UW Madison professor yesterday that admissions is currently reviewing waitlists candidates right now and news should be coming shortly.

I also got waitlist for Letters of arts and science, my major is biology, and I am an international student.


Im OOS, waitlisted for computer science.

I just got accepted!

How did you hear?

omg, congrats! what ways did they notify you?