Virginia Tech notification date

<p>lax and kyle, I haven't received a decision yet, but my current program box is still there. Did your box disappear? you have the current program box?</p>

<p>I haven't gotten a decision yet and I still have the current program box.</p>

<p>I still haven't heard's driving me crazy.</p>

<p>yeah I still have the current program box</p>

<p>Got denied today.</p>

<p>Ahhhhhhhh V, sooo sorry</p>

<p>Still nothing in the mail and nothing new on my status page...anyone else in the same boat as me?</p>

<p>abc, i'm in the same situation. no mail or status change. :(</p>

<p>rejected through the mail...status page still hasnt changed</p>

<p>I think this is crazy. I didn't hear anything too.</p>

<p>yo did any of you guys hear?</p>

<p>I was put on the waitlist RD.
But they picked me off so Now I'm in.
:D VT 2013.</p>

<p>....Although I probably wont be able to go because I cant afford it. :(</p>

<p>Yeah, it appears they are accepting a few from the freshman waitlist. One of my closest friends who applied into the engineering program just got accepted tonight and he was on the waitlist forever. Thank goodness they are letting some people in. :) Congrats!</p>

<p>Is your application status suppose to not have decision box at this point?
Because I don’t have my wait listed box anymore it only has application data and current program</p>

<p>I got accepted today!</p>

<p>Son accepted off waitlist yesterday via an email. Status page didn’t change. Not sure what he’ll decide to do. Good luck to those still waiting.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son, Sevmom. What do you think he’ll decide?! My S knew all along that if my some miracle of miracle they went to the waitlist, he’d run, not walk, to VaTech (not that that kept him from putting me through a few hours of suspense). I’m guessing he has about a week to make his decision?</p>

<p>Zimmer,I think he is leaning toward sticking with JMU (he got off their waitlist last month). He probably would have gone with Virginia Tech if he had gotten in initially but he kind of moved on when he got into JMU. He is not a Virginia Tech legacy, didn’t really follow up with Virginia Tech to try to get off the watilist except the one initial email in April saying he was still interested in attending. If he had gotten off the Virginia Tech waitlist first , I think he would have gone with Virginia Tech. He moved on and got invested in going to JMU (which I think was the right thing to do for him as he/we really did not think he would get off the waitlist). I think he would be happy at either JMU or Virginia Tech and he knows the decision is up to him. He needs to decide by next Friday but I really think he will end up at JMU. His brother went to UVa but he did not apply(good SAT’s but grades not up to snuff so did not bother to apply). If he had applied to UVa and been waitlisted and then got in there ,I’m sure he(and we) would have had a similar response that your son had to getting off the Virginia Tech waitlist. So happy for you and your son. Virginia Tech is a great school!</p>

<p>Well, your son is VERY lucky to have a choice between 2 great schools (as well as a supportive mom)! Best wishes to him.</p>

<p>PS. What part of Va are you from? My parents are in Carroll County.</p>

<p>Tidewater (Hampton Roads).</p>