Virginia Tech notification date

<p>My son is in for engineering. Anybody know when we find out about financial aid? He's OOS for VA Tech and in state for Maryland, so the financial aid package will help make the decision between the two.</p>

<p>seniorclassof09 you need to appeal those stats should've got you wait listed at least and not rejected..</p>

<p>09- contact admissions...
Have you ever been convicted of a felony/misdemeanor? i know that can really hurt admission</p>


<p>Major: Engineering
GPA: 3.4 uw
SAT: 800 Math, 640 Verbal
APs: taking Calculus BC, Physics C: Mechanics, and Statistics. Took AP Biology (5) and AP Chemistry (4)
OOS (Tennessee)
2nd generation Hispanic</p>

<p>OmG! I got in I really was expecting the worst!
Congrats to those who got in! Good luck to those waitlisted</p>

<p>I got waitlisted.</p>

<p>Anyone know chances of waitlisted kids being accepted? Should I not get my hopes up?</p>

<p>09, your stats are honors quality for VT. Something does not look right. Look at the honors criteria on the website and then call admissions and ask. You have nothing to loose.</p>

<p>I wouldn't count on the waitlist because you find out if you get off it in JUNE , ulitmatly after May 1, when your college decisionis due.</p>

<p>I got waitlisted too and I read the info they had and apparently no one was taken off the wait list last year. I believe there are 1,500 on the waitlist, and With the increase in applications and interest, chances look pretty grim.</p>


GPA: 3.06 (through junior year), 3.5 (senior year GPA)
SAT: 2010/2400,
ACT: 34</p>

<p>Surprised at VT
S stats for Engineering
3.48/3.77 UW/W
APs 7</p>

<p>SAT M: 720
SAT V:690
SAT W: 620</p>

<p>EC's - sports, 2 time AAA individual State Champ</p>

<p>This is not right. NOVA students and FFX get the shaft because of stringent grading. VT cares nothing about EC's. </p>

<p>Any comments?</p>


<p>Waitlisted... any information about getting in from the waitlist besides the info provided on their website? Should I send in supporting documents like awards, certificates, etc.., or will it not help me at all? Is it wise for me or any waitlisted student to wait for their notification in June even though decisions have to be made to other schools by May?</p>

<p>I am passionate about getting into their school, especially to their Track & Field program. Is there anyway to let them know that and not have them disregard it? Also, could talking to their coach get me off their waitlist or is it out of the coaches hands?</p>

<p>NovaDad, It is not just NoVa. Son waitlisted as well from SE Va. I do wish they would take EC's more into account. Son is Eagle Scout, all state is in his sport,etc. A 1360 SAT (M and CR) ,AP classes, but GPA could have been better(only about 3.6). It does seem they are fairly numbers driven in admissions and especially seem to value a high GPA( seems more important than high SAT). Hard to figure out what the schools are looking for. I felt Virginia Tech was a match for him and that above average SAT's for Tech would balance out a lower average GPA. Obviously, I was wrong.</p>

<p>If you are applying as a transfer and</p>

<p>Current Program: Undergrad
Catalog Term: Fall 2009
Campus: Blacksburg</p>

<p>appears on your application status, does that mean you have been accepted or just stating information? Thanks.</p>

<p>ABC, all that means is that is the semester you plan on enrolling in if accepted. You'll know when you get accepted when you see under Application Data a congratulation for admissions in red above a button that direct you to paying the matriculation fee.</p>

<p>D accepted, OOS NY, 1210 - SAT, 3.7 GPA - Engineering</p>

<p>Thanks msc, do all transfer applicants receive the current program box? And when will transfers find out? Thanks.</p>

<p>China, you definitely must accept another school and plan to go there. The chances of coming off the waitlist are slim to none, and if you put all your eggs in that basket and it doesn't happen, then you won't have any school to go to in the fall. If by some miracle of miracles, VaTech calls you off the waitlist, it will be in June and you will then have to make a decision on whether or not to stick with the other school, or go to VaTech and lose the several hundred dollars you had to put down on your other school. </p>

<p>I know it is very difficult to have to go with your 2nd or 3rd choice school, my son is having to do the same thing. But he only applied to schools he liked, so his 2nd choice is a close 2nd choice.</p>

<p>Nephew was waitlisted last year. He was told not a single person off the waitlist was admitted. But, this is hearsay....</p>

<p>Daughter accepted on Saturday. From NOVA. 3.7UW/4.0 weighted (10APs), 1970 SAT I (620M, 640CR, 710W). Happy to be accepted but will not attend.</p>