Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

@NJEngDad I am in-state and a BIT applicant! I was worried I wasn’t gonna make the university at all but honors college is beyond what I thought I’d get. Hyped to say the least!

@NJEngDad yes NJ here too- Son got into Clemson Pitt and Purdue -his Top 3 and Fordham. How bout you ?!?

I’m going to chime in with some info I received in an email last evening from VT sent to guidance counselors. Basically, the email states that a record number of applications were received, 32,000 for 6,200 available spots. The offer rate has dropped from a historical average of 70% to 56% this year. “The competition was high in every major, resulting in very few second-choice offers being available.” Additionally, “Given the higher number of applicants and the lower number of available seats, many students who may have been offered admission in a previous year’s cohort were not offered admission this year.” There’s more in the email, but you get the gist. I’m sort of, kind of, expecting we may see a rejection in our home come Monday evening.

@skimomof3 did you get that email because you are a guidance counselor? this does make my heart sink

@“N2TheFuture!” @Kpanther

Checked portal and invite there! Hopefully it’s a harbinger of good news Monday.

@hokiealumni Yes, that is why I received the email.

Last year Honors College invitations were sent via snail mail a few days or weeks after admission. Maybe they changed the process this year, but that’s how it was done last year.

My S is in Honors and is a mechanical engineering major. He finds Honors to be more busy work than anything else and will probably drop (or get dropped). He says that lots of other students really like it. It’s just not for him.

Good luck to all!!

@skimomof3 ugh, this makes me so nervous, best of luck to everyone!

@skimomof3 Wow! 32,000! That’s a 16% increase from 2017. And they haven’t even moved to the Common App yet.

Not looking good for my S19 and S21.

@STEM2017 It’s not looking good for my own kid, either…

Fingers crossed @skimomof3 !!!

@jonsmom Son only applied and got into Iowa State (honors) Purdue and looking like VT (honors). Tough choice. We are from Voorhees. You?

My DD says “Invited. The Honors College will send official notification”, is there anyway they would have this
notification and not get admitted? This seems like either a glitch or maybe they want the honors invitees to know just a little earlier then everyone else. Either way, I hope it still says that on Monday night.

For those who see the invited message - do they all reference the 3/02 date like kpanther’s did?

I find this all very strange. It does not speak well of the vt process that they would let indication of Honors College invite sneak onto applicant pages before acceptances are released. @skimomof3, intersting email. Any guesstimate what implications of such a sharp decline in acceptance rate might be for GPA and test score averages? I was feeling pretty confident about my Ds acceptance based on her grades and scores; still think her numbers make her very competitive for VT’s School of Vis Art but the decreased acceptance rate does sow some doubt.

Yes, the date is 03/02

As far as the indication of honors coming out early, there are plenty of colleges that send likely letters or postcards weeks before they release results and this is only two days early so I don’t think it is that bad even if it was not on purpose.

My guess - it’s a function/limitation of the portal software, in that once something is loaded into the system it can’t be “hidden” from users. Honors College may have done the data dump yesterday, and there might not be a holding tank so the data went live - no sneakiness. FWIW, I believe ED results had an official release day that was a Monday but a friend of our son logged in the Friday night prior and his results were posted (he did not get an honors invite).

@PhilipM I’m not sure but I expect there will be a slight uptick in both SAT scores and GPA, which is a general trend nationwide. The increase in the number of applicants doesn’t surprise me at all. That is going on everywhere, whether schools use the Common App or not. A fair number of colleges send out “Apply to us and we’ll waive the application fee” emails and snail mails (I know this because my son received that offer from at least a dozen colleges, if not more). If I were to throw out a guess as to the biggest trend I’ve noticed, it is toward building a more diverse student body, especially in the STEM majors. I think the background of students is playing a much larger role in the “holistic” approach that is taken by admission committees. If two students are equally qualified on paper, I feel it is more likely the less represented (within that university) student will be selected. Just my two cents.

@kpanther I think I remember seeing that you and I had similar SAT and GPA but you had much more APs than I did. Seeing that you might have gotten into honors gives me some hope that I’ll make it in regular.