Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

@Jonsmom14 we are from Voorhees. You?
Son admitted to Iowa State, Purdue and looks like VT.

@kpanther’s experience is an example of how unpredictable the process can be… earlier posts said they applied ED and were deferred to RD, only to end up invited to honors college (or so it appears). What a roller coaster ride. Honors college is equally unpredictable… student I referenced earlier was accepted ED to Engineering with 4.5 GPA, 1370 SAT, lots of AP/IB/Honors/DE, NHS, DECA officer - no invite to honors college. Go figure.

For those of you who received Honors invites, do you mind posting stats? I’m a bit confused as to why I didn’t receive an invite

@ShenVal18 I agree100%. My sons best friend is number 10 in a class of over 500 in a rigorous academy school, tons of AP/honors/4.7 weighted gpa above 1500 SAT admitted ED into engineering no honors offer. Its hard to tell from stats who will be offered admission or honors. Just got to wait and see

@ShenVal18 I think it depends on major. I was above average for BIT but not for engineering. I had good essays, and good extra curriculars. It might be a more holistic factor and your major. I had a 4.05 with 7 APs in high school and 6 college classes taken, with a 650 math and 580 reading SAT. I have work experience as well. Thats just my two cents.

Honors invite (supposedly) stats:
4.0 unweighted
Top 5% of class
ACT Math 33, English 32
5 APs
varisty ice hockey and lacrosse
work, volunteer experieince
wrote all three essays

Is anyone going for APSC? (animal and poultry science) haven’t heard of many people applying this year. Also do you think that going for a lesser known major could compensate for my lower GPA? (I obviously didn’t pick this major because it might be easier to get into it’s something I actually want to do and VT is the only school that I know of in state that offers it)

@daylightskies well, kind of, but the way it works is that you first have to be admitted into the school itself, then once you get in there, you will probably more than likely to get into APSC if it is not as competitive as we think it is. So basically if your grades or scores are too low to make it past the general university standards, they won’t send your stuff to APSC to determine if whether you will get into that major or not. Hope that makes sense!

A 56% acceptance rate doesn’t bode well for my son. His SAT score had him on the bubble for a normal year. His only hope are his essays, which were very good and did an excellent job highlighting his stregnths beyond academics.

Doesn’t bode well for my son either. His unweighted GPA is good 3.80, but his SAT and ACT scores are average. He attends a college prep school with a very rigorous curriculum, so I hope that will help. Best of luck to everyone. I keep saying that if it was meant to be, then he will be accepted. If not, he has other choices.

Those that had it posted, can you check again. I checked earlier and the invite for honors college was there, but not there now.

@irishahaines I just checked and it disappeared. And just like that I’m worried that it was just a glitch or something. I’m praying that it wasn’t and that I’ll get in Monday

Question - I know the process for acceptance into Honors has changed. However, when my son was accepted in 2010 ED into Engineering, the invitations to Honors were sent out a few months later. Has that changed and Honors invitations are released at the same time as ED?

@GradandMom I don’t think so. I supposedly got an invite to the honors college in December when I got accepted as an ED. I never got the letter, but an email on the deadline asking if I wanted to accept my invitation and that the information about this acceptance was in my letter.

@Kpanther @irishahaines Well, for a few hours the Honors College was closer to a reality, noticebnowbmissing here too…who knows what Monday will bring. Either way, it’s out of our hands.

So the acceptance rate is 56% this year? @Time2Shine

@fizzymangoes From page 19.

Will be interesting to see if the honors status was correct on Monday night.

Again, Tech did officially state that Honors College is still on March 15. Don’t expect to hear about anything regarding it until 3/15.

Guess what, gang ? My ED deferred son always dreamed of going to VT, but I’m with @ls2018 here…70% to 56% is a total paradigm shift. I’m looking at a freshman class that isn’t a cohort that matches my in state, 3.6 on a 6 Point grading scale , ut proism driven, Eagle Scout son. Good-bye VT. We are in CO , and in love with the Environmental Design program at Boulder. Based on recent stats - I’d rather see my son at CU vs. the “New VT” community. Done.