Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

@trout812 everyone is exaggerated. I highly doubt all 32k people applied to VTech as a safety.

VTech is my safety though, but I’ll probably take UMass Amherst over VTech anyways.

So the “Honors” decisions some people were seeing yesterday has disappeared for all those that “had” it? I’m just seeing this now and my DD does not have the Honors “invited” on her application and I’m wondering (hoping!!) that it was there and has also disappeared!

DD stats:
OOS White female
Engineering major (Aero/Ocean)
Corps of Cadets applicant

NROTC scholarship recipient

35 ACT
Top 5% of her class

AP Scholar with Distinction (8 AP’s already taken, 6 more now in her senior year)
Top 5% in the country, National Spanish Exam
3 time State-Scholar athlete awards
4 year FTC robotics team, Team Liaison, regional championship
2 sport Varsity athlete
regional Sportsmanship Award

Certified Lifeguard
Volunteer Tutor

A bunch of other EC’s
Strong rec’s
Strong essays (3 written)

@3XImpossible Someone in IT probably realized they messed up and released the Honors College decisions early, then retracted it as soon as possible.

@greenfrogmemes that scenario is what I’m hoping for. Because I got “invited” to honors college so hopefully that means I actually was and not just a glitch.

I’ll be happy to just get into VT itself after reading all this… lol

I think there are a few things at play: 1) despite a decline in the number of kids in this class, there are significantly more kids going to college; 2) many students apply to 10+ schools which is driving numbers up, and balancing who to keep, reject and waitlist is tricky because you could very well boot the students that have chosen your university as their #1; 3) there are scholarship battles happening to attract top students; 4) state universities need full pay OOS due to cuts in state’s budgets but with increasing overall costs for 4 year universities, some may deem the price tag not worth it. It will be interesting to see how this bold move by VT shakes out. In 2009, the freshman class size at VT was 5050. Last year’s matriculation was much higher and the class was 6836. It caused a pretty big housing issue.

I’m going to put my two cents in for what its worth. I think something is wrong with the number stated of approx. 6000 applicants will be offered admission. No school has a 100% acceptance rate of attending upon acceptance. In fact last years Va tech rate of acceptance of offer of admission was approx. 39%, I really don’t think Va tech would only offer approx. 6000 admission offers or assume they would get 100% acceptance when historically colleges average between 30% and 65% based on data. l
Looking at these facts the number doesn’t sound realistic to produce a class of 2022 a college of Techs size would need to meet financial obligations. I’m wondering if that number was regarding ED offers rather than all offers as tech extended ED offers that equaled 22% of the freshmen class last year, keeping in mind that there is a near 100% acceptance rate of offer among ED. Again just my thought on the subject. With that said in 18 hours we will all know if we or our children are accepted.

@hokiealumni, they expect to enroll approximately 6000, not admit 6000. If they admit 56% of 32k applicants, they will admit approximately 18000, suggesting they are targeting 1/3 acceptance ratio (1 kid accepts for every 3 admitted).

@lastone03 Glad you pointed out the housing issue – that’s really been my only major concern about Tech, and no one in admissions has ever been able to give me a concrete answer about it. I have friends there who know of people rooming with RAs and study lounges turned into rooms, so not exactly an ideal situation. I can also attest to the lines at the dining halls being positively atrocious, though I don’t really mind waiting in lines all that much so it’s not a big issue for me. Hopefully they’ll have at least the housing resolved for the Class of 2022!

Last years housing issue was largely because more students accepted their offer of acceptance than VT expected and they ran into a shortage of housing. This may also contribute to the lower acceptance rate this year.

@ls2018 @lastone03 I also have heard that housing was a big issue . I think they were really surprised by how many kids enrolled last year. If you look atbthe data on their site, in previous years, there were getting 5900-6000 kids accepting offers of admittance and even though applications and admittance went up between 2015-2016, acceptances went down from 6300 to 5900. So when acceptances last year jumped all the way to over 6800, they had to find space for at least an extra 500 kids they probably weren’t expecting. I think they want to be at about 6000 for entering freshman, which explains the reduced offer rate.

I can’t find the CDS (form) for 2017-2018 but I am guessing with a higher than anticipated matriculation they didn’t have a WL. In 2016, 2014, 2012 there were 1697, 750, 110 accepted off the WL. In 2015 and 2013 there were none. Maybe because 2018 is an even year, and they dropped the offer rate, some students will at least get a shot off the WL. Of course, the established pattern could just be a coincidence. Lots of competition for those 6200 spots.

the yield rate though is around 30-40% so they’re definitely going to accept way more than 6200 or 6000, whatever the number you are all speculating

@fizzymangoes I was speaking to the 6200 students that would actually matriculate.

Tech accepted about 20 kids from my school ED, so I hope we experience a similar rate of success tomorrow. Just can’t wait to find out!

My son has already been accepted to UMass Amherst…it was his safety.

BTW, when I got in my truck this morning to warm up and charge my phone(we’ve had no power since Friday, during the Nor’easter that pounded the Massachusetts coast) Metallica’s Enter Sandman was on the radio…which I took as a good omen… :wink:

@Time2Shine I tried to get my daughter interested in UMASS Amherst. That 5 school consortium deal they have with Smith, Mt Holyoke, and Amherst and Hampshire Colleges is a pretty cool benefit.

@PhilipM I agree, Tech just has a slightly better major/minor combination for my son. Whether we determine it’s worth the extra $10k+ is a different story.

For a bit of a chuckle to break the stress, check out tne video VT Admissions posted on Twitter and FB (tried to post a link but I guess thats not allowed). I didn’t know the Hokie worked in admissions.