Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

FYI, I emailed VT admissions to ask why “invited” was showing up next to the Honors College and they responded that that was a glitch as the Honors College was testing the system. They said that all final honors decision would be released after admissions decisions by March 15.

They answered an email on the weekend? Why would only stronger applications have the status and not people who felt they were borderline on just being accepted. Strange coincidence.

I am wondering if perhaps the Honors College has finalized their decisions and those notifications inadvertently went to people who were indeed accepted to Honors, but VT didn’t want to make the release until the official date. I guess we will find out soon enough!

@momofthree55 Unfortunately, my son’s friend received the notification, and he is definitely not a strong candidate for admission to VT based on stats alone. So, I hope it was a sign of acceptance as he was deferred ED and really wants to attend VT. Fingers crossed for all.

Well I have heard of schools putting out admissions letters for kids who didn’t even get in so maybe it is just a glitch I guess we’ll find out the next couple weeks

So in anticipation of my VT decision tomorrow, I looked over my application that I downloaded and I have to say that even if I’m not admitted, looking over it made me stop for a second and think about my accomplishments. The essays that I literally copied and pasted from prior supplements looked even better than they did and I feel like my resume really made up for my grades. It really eased my tensions about this whole waiting thing. Personally, I find it kind of funny how an applicant’s fate has already been decided for months. Even weirder how that decision, for better or worse, could have happened at any time in the past couple months as we kept living our lives. I don’t know, I think it’s just quite a perspective to look at things from.

My OOS kid is anxiously waiting too…however…we will probably have to wait even longer for merit award info…VT is the last on the list to come in and he is really ready to make a decision. He was a finalist for the Davenport Leadership award at VT but just received notice he did not get the award. He has been accepted to UMD, Purdue, UIUC, UC Boulder, Penn State, and U of AZ. He wants aerospace engineering with a focus on Space. He got merit at AZ, UC Boulder, and UMD so far. Really hoping VT comes thru cause it is close to home (upstate NY) and has a strong program. Does anyone know if merit awards will come with the admissions notice? Waiting is driving us all crazy!

@kswaiz hey you got 23h 32m more to wait though!

Major? @red517 Also is that a weighted or unweighted gpa? good luck tomorrow !!!

about 20 and a half hours left ughh honestly I am so nervous

Good luck to everyone waiting for decisions today!

While it might not be the case this year, in prior years, VT did post results around 4:30 when they had indicated after 5pm. Just wanted everyone aware as I know you are anxiously awaiting the information. Hang in there and best of luck to all.

Will decisions come via the status page on the VT admissions site or by snail mail?

@bboop42 Although that is possible, (not to get anyone’s hopes down) I’ve read on there that there have been years in the past where they’ve had technical difficulties/so many people trying to access that it pushed some people’s back a couple hours. Just don’t be alarmed if you check at 5 and it’s not there

The vicious circle of college admissions has finally caught up to Virginia Tech (More student applying = lower acceptance rate, lower acceptance rate = more students applying).

@adtuck In prior years applicants heard on their status page and it was followed up in the mail by a packet if accepted.

@daylightskies You are correct, every year it seems the system “crashes” due to the volume of students/parents accessing the website after 5pm. I would not expect anything different this year.

Keep in mind that people seemed to have more success logging in via phone last year. It may be your best bet if you decide to check at exactly 5pm. Good luck.

Hi! I’m new here. I’m a parent to a student that applied reg. decision.

I’ve checked his application online and while I see his information, his SAT scores submitted, etc, I don’t see a place where it says anything about application status.

When they do release their decisions in a few hours, where will that be? If he is NOT selected, will it specifically say that, or will it just remain blank, and only those who have been selected will see changes to their account? Thank you!

@VArunnerMom - the decision will be posted (accepted, denied or wait-listed)