Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

No scholarship here for honors college invitee, in state. Only offered $5500 loan.

Loan for $5500. I guess JMU here we come.

$5,500 unsubsidized student loan here as well. With the exception of merit scholarships, this is consistent across my DC’s other four acceptances. So, Tech has been pretty much in line with everyone else from our perspective.

$5,500 in loans, we are super disappointed :frowning:

@wlnc @abefroman @paulster69 @wineindoubt @“N2TheFuture!” Same here, $5500 loan. Exact same amount that we received at some other schools. Disappointing, but not completely unexpected. Being OOS, this makes VT a real challenge.

I received the $5500 loan offer as well, which is the same amount that Alabama offered me, except Alabama’s offer also came with $100k in merit scholarships lol. A little disappointed that I didn’t get a scholarship, but it is what it is. Keeping my fingers crossed for all you OOS students! Feeling very thankful to be IS right now.

DS received zilch which is going to take VT off the table for us. We just can’t justify paying OOS full-ride when he has other really good options, both academically and financially. We were hoping for a little merit money as we knew we wouldn’t qualify for need-based aid, aside from loans which, in my opinion, are not aid at all. It’s just money you have to pay back later on down the road. Heck, even our own state flagship gave some decent merit money which we weren’t expecting given we already qualified for in-state tuition. Oh, well. I empathize with those disappointed in their aid and hope for the best for you all who continue on to attend VT. And, someone who is sitting on the waitlist (hopefully) gets a spot with his decline.

DD got a 7K Provost Achievment scholarship. I can’t find anything about this online. Anyone else receive this?

@skyii558 Is your DD In-State or OOS?
Just curious.

Is this it for scholarships with VT? Does anyone know if there is still a chance for the more department-specific ones that were submitted through Scholarship Central?

@skyii558 Congratulations! That is a (relatively) very generous scholarship for VT to give. It’s $7,000 per year renewable for 4 years. And judging by the posts here, it’s pretty rare.

@skyii558 received the same scholarship! Really surprised because I wasn’t invited to honors

We are OOS. We feel very fortunate for her to have received, what is for VT, a generous scholarship!

Neither was she. Looks like a lot of high stats kids weren’t invited.

Wow! Congrats @snowmenrsocool and @skyii558! My DD was offered a Beyond Boundaries $3000/semester (shows both fall & spring) scholarship (no idea if it’s renewable). She’s OOS and WAS offered Honors.

I got the “vt scholars award” which is $5000. Does anyone know if this is one time or renewable?

Pratt non-renewable $5000 here. OOS, CoE and Honors College Invite.

For those who did not fill out FAFSA yet, do we get our scholarship/financial aid info in the mail as opposed to online?

Update: called the office. Vt scholars award is renewable.

It appears all of the scholarships have been awarded to OOO unless I missed it. Any IS receive one? (BTW IS cost for VA Tech is actually really great price so just curious not complaining)