Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Someone from a previous post asked whether those who didn’t fill out the FAFSA (for whatever reason it might’ve been) will receive their possible scholarships through mail. Any thoughts on this?

@fredyt444 and @outthedoor - Go to main Financial aid site - click Scholarships .
Click on General - The “General Scholarships” page says “These scholarships require that you complete the FAFSA and the General Scholarship Application”. Apparently you have to have submitted FAFSA to be considered for those…
HOWEVER, go back and click on Academic - The “Academic Scholarships” page says:
"Selection criteria may include scholastic achievement and demonstrated financial need according to the FAFSA. All students applying for departmental scholarships should complete the FAFSA in order to be fully considered for potential scholarship awards. "
Some departmental scholarships are sponsored by organizations that include need-based criteria, so I interpret that to mean that you won’t be considered for any of those without the FAFSA. (but if you know need-based criteria doesn’t apply to you, I don’t see where FAFSA, or lack of it, would matter). There are plenty other departmentals that are don’t consider financial need, and that you would be considered for. (e.g. College of Engr has the Pratt which I’ve seen people say is $5000)

Thanks a tone!

Son was accepted into first choice (business).
VT was his only application.

Stats on application
-Out of state (GA)
-ACT 28 (M32, S31, R26, E25)
-GPA 3.7 (unweighted)
-Lacrosse (four years), football (four years)
-Attended CoB, CoE sessions at Nov 2017 open house

He was born in Salem, VA (1999) and has followed VT for 12+ years.
Dad did undergrad at UF, grad at GT, VT. Sister at GT
He wanted the school to be his own sensing that your heart goes back to undergrad days (generally).

Parents, two sibs are proud of him.

No aid for us either, and we have twins (not both going to VT)
Stats: OOS female
SAT 1290
unweighted 4.0, weighted 4.5
part time job, varsity athlete x 4 years, (multi season athlete), NHS, SGA officer, yearbook editor, Young Life,
psychology major

We knew going in that it would be a long shot, but I was hoping for SOMETHING.

I truly think the only reason I got a merit scholarships because I’m a double legacy, but also my major is literature- very very very rare! My brother, a current VT honors student, got his tuition reduced to almost in state price (we are OOS) but had a nearly perfect SAT and great essays. I’m not really sure what they look for though… seems odd

Daughter - OOS KY / 32 ACT/ ~3.85 Unweighted / Architecture
Good essayist and had been selected to KY Gov School for Arts program for Architecture

“Ut Prosim” scholarship $2500 per semester, but link shows no info. (same as @mommabok ) , and can’t find any info on it anywhere.
We’ll wait and see if the mailed packet has complete info before we call… Wondering if it will be good for the 5 yrs that the architecture program entails…

DS accepted to COE- 1460 32ACT 3.92 UW 7 AP – Eagle Scout Boys State delegate NHS etc. but NO $$.
Seems very competiitve this year -letter said-- 32k applicat and 6200 accepted-- thats slim. And engineering students probably even tighter admission. So it will be Purdue (no money) or Pitt- very generous w $10k per year.
Best of luck to all. Doesn’t matter where you go but what you do when u get there :slight_smile:

Ut Prosim Scholarship - pleasant surprise just came in the mail today!
$5000/yr - renewable!
Wondering if this is a common scholarship for OOS? D/ACT 32/4.0 unweighted/lots of community service

DD really liked VTCC when she visited last month. Set up overnight stay with VTCC for early next month. Has been accepted to VT, but hasn’t received any scholarship money. But for DD, she felt this was one of her top 5 schools…also considering Umich, Georgia Tech, and maybe RPI or Purdue. RPI and Purdue both gave generous scholarship money.

However, DD was just accepted to MIT :slight_smile: and Cornell!! So now she’s got some serious choices to make!

@3XImpossible No offense, but, MIT wins hands down. It’s a top 5 school in the U.S. Congrats to your daughter!

Guys I was accepted to VT engineering. Any idea if they send an acceptance package by mail.? I’m an international student

An international student accepted to the college of Engineering.

OOS daughter with 35 ACT, 4.99 weighted GPA was not accepted into honors but received $6,000 Beyond Boundaries scholarship, $5,000 Pratt Engineering scholarship and $3,750 VT Grant. It’s odd that they gave her that much aid, but no honor’s acceptance. Like @3XImpossible daughter she was also accepted into MIT last week.

Some somebody please give an answer to post #851. Much appreciated! Thanks!

@colourful I think you need to accept the decision first before they send the package. They won’t send package justbfor notification that you are accepted, you juat get email from them.

@colorful @Merapi42A VT does send packages in the mail. A few days after acceptance posted online, My D received a package. She also received financial aid info both online and, then a few days later, in the mail.

@PhilipM is your daughter an international student?

@Merapi42A Thanks!

@colourful We did not take any action on the website, and after 4 or 5 days received a mailed version of the online information, including detailed info about the merit aid.