Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

do you think if I have most of the prerequisite classes done and am currently finishing one this semester it will make a difference?

@hokietransfer123 I think so, like I said they are looking for prerequisite classes mostly, such math, bio, and English. Also take in consideration service. They are all about that.

@Transfer2k18 do you think I would be good if I had all of that done and only one semester of math left that I’m currently taking? Like do they say you need to have all prerequisites as long as they are before the fall semester of 2018?

Quick Question, so I also applied as a transfer Student for the fall of 2018! I finished the first semester with a 3.7! Now I’m taking Calc 2 and I’m kindda struggling in it, might end up with a C by the end of the semester.Will I be denied based on that one C, or might it work if all my other Grades are A’s and B’s? I’m transferring to the CoE btw!

That doesn’t seem unfair at all to me. It should work like that since it’s competitive. @jmek15

@hokietransfer123 Prerequisite classes? Are you talking about the minimum requirements? if so, it’s basically just ENG(1,2), MATH(cal1,2), and SCI(CHEM 1/ PHY1,2/ others).

@Transfer2k18 This depends on your major right? also if I am transferring to be a sophomore and I have most of my prerequisites done that doesn’t matter right? because I can just finish them in my sophomore year there? also I am at a community college and I put on my application that I plan to take two of my prerequisites this summer that counts right?

@hokiehoyalaiwo yes. I have gotten most of the pre reqs done. Just am doing one more semester of math this semester and that’s it. Do you think as long they are finished before fall 2018 they will view me as competitive?

@hokietransfer123 Yes. That’s why they required you to fill in what classes you are taking in this semester/ in this summer. Make sure all the prerequisite classes are above B. If you’re doing very well in your current MATH class, you could also send them a midterm report.

@Mada01 Getting a C in Cal 2 will kill your chance! Better get B or above. Good luck!

@hokiehoyalaiwo I took most of them in high school and in most of them I had B’s. Right now in stats I currently have an A. I might just send them only the mid term report for Stats because its the only pre req I have left and because the rest of my classes im currently enrolled in are all B’s as of now.

They look primarily to you math, science, and English classes

So I have all the right pre reqs met, except for a class behind in CS which I plan to take over the summer to cover up. Every other course matches for my major, however I only stated what I was taking in the 2nd semester when I filled out my application in late December. I forgot to mention the CS summer class (which is big since it’s my major). Will this affect me? Would sending an email be to the admissions rep about what summer courses I plan to take help? I ended with a 4.0 my first semester, and plan to end with either a 3.75 or 4.0 this semester depending on how this one class goes.

And I do have all the math, science, and english classes covered. It’s just that I’m missing this one CS class.

Do they look at you based on your major and how many spots they have to fill in that program, or do they look at us all together? If that makes any sense lol.

@nredgirl I ask myself the same question

If you get any C’s in your prerequisite classes for your own major (core classes), your chances I feel are very slim. Also, if you get straight B’s, thats a 3.0 and thats still not so good, so i feel like if your gpa is in the high B to A then you have a great chance

Can anyone explain the general engineering program at V Tech and why its required for every freshman and transfer engineering student. Do you think it would take someone back a step and not let them graduate in 4 years?


The General Engineering program is designed to give prospective engineers an overview of all engineering disciplines before they select their major. Most first year’s pretty much take the same classes anyway so it makes sense for freshmen, but I think it makes less sense for transfers. Maybe you’ll luck out and something you’ve already taken will be counted as an equivalent class. Without that, it is possible that transfer students might not be able to graduate in four years, but perhaps some summer classes would make up for it. I also get the impression that 5 years with a co-op is not uncommon at VA Tech.

This only applies if you are applying as a first year student, but if you’re applying as a second-year, it is less difficult