Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

funny that you ask, i’m a poli sci major myself haha. and i’m not certain but college of LA/HS most likely will have a majority hear back tomorrow

@bcen200 haha well then! Hopes and prayers for the both of us . Maybe we will be future classmates! I sure do hope so

@bcen200 a “notice” was not recieved, I emailed them, asked, and that is what they told me through email.
Now, whether they are not able to disclose that, that is a different story. But if my information is a little off (one admissions employee said by march 31st and the other one said friday) and they are also telling another applicant thursday, I feel like that is a sign of them only approximating what day theyd be done with the first wave by.

That being said, I really hope it is tomorrow though, and I also hope its not based by major, because then everyone has equal chance to hear back tomorrow!

of course it’s something that they’re not able to disclose, though you’re right that it all should be an equal chance to hear back tomorrow

You’d assume bigger programs (engineering, business, etc) would have more people reviewing apps than smaller programs so some people in the big programs will still be hearing in the first wave

@acceptancewoohoo precisely

Has anyone gotten an email from vt financial aid asking for more documents?

@vt2k18 Documents like what ? Never received any emails from financial aid !

financial aid packages only went out early for freshman and prospective freshman. transfer students receive their package after being accepted.

@TarekHA tax transcripts and w-2

Hmm, wonder why they asked you about it ! Never heard of much students sent their tax documents for financial purposes, I mean it’s not that they unlikely won’t ask about it, but never heard much students being asked about their tax documents

I think I remember reading somewhere they’re required to verify FAFSAA info on a certain % of applicants, but I could be wrong.

@bcen200 Thank you for the info. So I have a question regarding what you said. So you said that it does matter when you applied meaning like date related. I finished my application and submitted towards the end of December. They received by application a week later and my transcript was received around mid January. Do you think there is a chance then that I’ll hear back tomorrow (or Friday) in the first wave? I applied to the school of Engineering so that is why I’m a bit skeptical about receiving a decision in the first wave but since I applied early on I’m hoping that they reviewed my application by now.

@CTUR782 i feel like there is a hopeful chance that you’ll hear back tomorrow. like @acceptancewoohoo said, the admissions committee require more people to review applications for bigger schools so there will be a portion of engineering students that will hear back tomorrow. i submitted my application early december and they received everything by december 15th, so i’m hopeful to hear back tomorrow, but who knows! i might be wrong but it only seems reasonable

@bcen200 Hopefully we both do. Thanks and best of luck!

Best of luck to everyone receiving a decision today! Really hoping I’ll be one of the lucky ones to hear something.

9 hours you guys, I’m freaking OUT !
best of luck to everyone

There was a post earlier about the size of the area you applied the probability of getting reviewed for today, so I checked out the numbers for transfers from last year (School/Total Applied/%of Applications). Anyway, just food for thought. Good luck to all.

Total Apps: 2876
ENG: 997 (34.7%)
BUS: 518 (18%)
SCI: 458 (15.9%)
LIB ART/HUM SCI: 423 (14.7%)
ARCH/US: 258 (9%)
AG/LIF SCI: 124 (4.3%)
NAT RES/ENV: 96 (3.3%)
INTERCOL: 2 (.1%)

@ihopeigetintoVT thank you! very helpful info
yet we’ve got nothing to do but play the waiting game (which I hate)