Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

oops I thought you ask for those still waiting on a decision to post their GPA

Could someone contact the admission office and see if they will release more today?
As mentioned before they said 29 and 30th, so we might see more updates today

Is anyone on here applying for transfer after first year?? I am wondering if they are just releasing decisions on students currently In their 4th semester. If so I will wait til later to stress any more.

I just emailed admissions and they said that they were not releasing a second round today! And the rest will be at the end of April.

I am in my first year and I have not heard back.

So now it seems like the next step for everyone is to make sure unofficial transcripts are sent in and wait for the end of April. That was a pretty anticlimactic Thursday for most of us! I guess it at least got people checking Twitter and emails and making sure admissions has everything they need.

Messaged admissions, "
to me
2 hours agoDetails
It was only a reminder that we need college transcripts for transfer applications. If you already sent yours (official or unofficial), then you don’t need to send them again."

Does everyone’s application page have a column that says “final UG transcript” ?? Does this mean they are going to make a decision based on my grades near the end of the semester since April 27th is just a few weeks before my semester ends?

I spoke to admissions this morning. She said another round will be posted today after 5pm. She volunteered that to me though I was calling to ask about the transcript tweet. If you sent one for last semester you are good. But you can call and have them look at your info to make sure.

3.47 Criminology

Mine also says UG final transcript but when I called they said that is needed after acceptance to document anything new or final grades if in the middle of a semester. Decisions are made without that.

And looks like still getting conflicting info on releases as based on above - one person got an email from admissions saying no more decisions will be released today while another was told on the phone that more would be. So who knows???

@godzpeach thank you for the information!!
I hope they release another round today, as someone above said they won’t
Let’s Hope

It sounds like admissions is just focused on reviewing all the applications rather than worrying about releasing them right now. Who else had the MOST anxiety yesterday and didn’t get a response… I feel you

@HokieHopeful34 Exactly, and I’m still anxious

I’m not sure if they will release any today, but hopefully

Guys keep us updated atfer 5pm

Commented on VT admissions insta asking about decisions. They replied and said a wave went out yesterday at 5 and if you were in that group it should be reflected on your account. They said the next wave will be end of april.

I saw that too, so I wonder why someone in the office said there would be more today?

Was it an adult you talked to do you think? Or maybe an intern… wonder why they told you that?

It was an adult i spoke to this morning. She assumed I was calling about decisions and told me they were posting more today after 5 with financial aid info going out April 6.

So confusing!!