Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

@hreuter756 Hmm interesting. Congratulations on your admission. I applied as first year as well, but I didn’t hear back the first wave. Will have to wait until end of April :frowning:

@CTUR782 Thank you! What is your major?

@hreuter756 Computer Science; applied to the engineering school.

@CTUR782 stat?

should i be worried about getting in, this is my second time applying, im a first year student, have 8 years of legacy, wrote pretty good essays, but what im worried about is that I had all A’s and B’s this fall except for a C- in chemistry. I’m a psychology major but first semester i was a bio major. I completed every prerequisite for my psych major that the website says. Should i be worried?

@hokiehoyalaiwo I’m in first year currently and I had a 4.0 GPA my first semester (fall 2017) with 17 credits all transferable. 17 credits this semester as well with a either a 3.8 or 4.0 depending on how this one class goes.

  • CS major
  • of south Asian background (not really gonna help me much)
  • Deans list
  • Presidential Scholars
  • Taking all required courses for my major
  • Average essays
  • a few extracurriculars
  • AP credit for a few classes
  • Planning to take around 11 credits in the summer, so I’ll have 44 credits completed by the start of Fall 2018 semester which is around 33% of my entire college education completed.

@hokiehoyalaiwo How are your stats and what major are you?

How competitive is it to get into Public Relations? I did not hear back and I’m starting to get worried. I’m a freshman currently trying to transfer, is it more competitive to transfer that way?

Last year 14 applied for PR and ten got offers

@nredgirl I wouldn’t think it’s as competitive as the engineering school or Pamplin. If you didn’t hear back the first wave, then they just didn’t get to your application or they gave priority to the GAA and sophomore students first. Tech will give out it’s next wave on the 27th, so I don’t get why you’re worrying so much now.

So we are trying to help our son plan for a pathway to tech…homeschooled 3.0, 1210 SAT, finishing his first year at a CC with 36 credits and a 3.8 so far through mid-term report on a business school track ( ENG 111/112, ACCT 211/212, ECON 201, MTH 270, PSY 200, etc.). He hopes to get into Tech as a transfer now but it seems like their literature specifically says “transfer students do better after 60 hours of coursework before transferring” I don’t know if that is code for “don’t think you will get in as a first year”. The Cc has a GAA with Tech but doesn’t offer the exact math and stat classes he needs next year to get him ready for Pamplin. So we advised him to go to a 4 year (VCU) next year if he doesn’t get in as a fall transfer this year and then apply to Tech again after his second year of the business currículum that tech recommends. The only thing that concerns me is that there is not the GAA to get into tech from VCU. It seems like it would be the best preparation for the rigor if Pamplin fue him to get the 4 yr college math and macroeconomics.But I don’t want to leave him stranded at VCU because of the no GAA. I guess I am assuming that if he keeps his GPA at VCU above the 3.4.4 that meets the GAA at the community college it will get him in Tech. Does this sound like sound reasoning??
Hopefully he will get in Tech in a few weeks and this will all be moot. But it seems like it would stupid to not have a second option planned. I just am trying to sound out if this plan sounds reasonable. Advising your kid is scary…

@HooDad1 So just to clarify a few things, the GAA is only between the community college and other 4-year institution like VCU, GMU, Tech, UVA, etc, so transferring to VCU this year would mean that he would not be eligible for the GAA agreement. For a plan B, I would recommend that he stay at the CC for another year and transfer through the GAA agreement. He has a good GPA and if he can keep it up around the same or lower he would be fine. Tech has a minimum of 3.1 after completing the associates (at least at NOVA) for the GAA agreement to take place as long as he has the main core classes completed as well. He has a good GPA and even if he were to end at a 3.4 after his sophomore year, he’d be safe. Best of luck with your son’s admission.

@HooDad1 do you live close enough to VCU for your son to commute and take the 2 math Calc sequence as a non degree seeking student while attending a vccs? You could probably do a course substitution request through the vccs to avoid taking the Calc there that doesn’t meet either of the 2 Calc class req’s at VT. Another option is online through another vccs that offers them. I’m at a vccs and and have done DL through another vccs school due to course availability.

@CTUR782 @ihopeigetintoVT Thank you both so much for the advice. So I think he can stay at the VCCS school if he doesnt get happy news at the end of April from Tech admission, take the 2 math and 2 stat classes at VCU as a non-degree seeking student and transfer them in as electives at JTCC and use them to meet the Tech recommended classes. My main concerns are balancing the GAA with having the best classes to prep him for Pamplin…VCU isnt a top tier school but it seems like the exact course matches from VCU will be at least a little bit of a ramp up from VCCS classes and help him to not have the “1st semester at a 4 year school grade dip” when he moves to Tech. His older brother had to go from VCCS business math 270 to UVA second semester business calc…and VCCS STAT 240 to UVA second semester Stats…it was pretty brutal.
Our other “dream scenario” was applying to both Tech and UR after 2nd year…I am a UR alum…(he was wait listed at UR transfer this year)…and VCU seems like it would give more credibility to the courses than a vccs school (is that really true?)…but losing the GAA at Tech seems like too much of a risk in the unlikely event that things don’t go well in the math classes and we’re left to sweat it out over whether he gets admitted as a non-GAA transfer. I don’t know if having a 3.0 in homeschool and even a 3.8 on a vccs degree meets UR’s minimum requirements. No one really knows exactly what goes on inside the mystery of admissions committees…may be best to stick with the sure thing and the GAA. Tech is a good business school, albeit a long drive from Richmond (freaks the parents out somewhat, probably a homesick kid for a while, but it totally matches his personality there)

@HooDad1 Just an FYI - the 2 math calc sequence is being replaced by a single 4 credit course effective Fall 2018. The new course is 1524. This is one of the changes associated with VT moving from CLE to the Pathways GE curriculum. The BIT (stats) usually taken in year 2 aren’t approved yet for Pathways (they show as “in governance”) but it’s widely assumed by staff I spoke with that they would be approved and stay “as is”. Math 1524 probably doesn’t show up in the VCCS transfer credit tool yet. You may want to call VT to see if you can determine what math at VCCS would transfer. Good luck!

@ShenVal18 info on 1524 is hard the find. It appears from the checksheets on the Registrars site that those graduating in 2020 (as some vccs transfers will), the requirement is still the 2 course sequence. No checksheets for years beyond 2020 are posted. I’m guessing since it’s a new requirement it will be effective for those graduating in 2022 and after?

1524 is on the VT/VCCS equivalency. According to it to get credit for 1524 you need to take 261+263, or 271+272. Need to take both or you only get credit for VT Math 1025.

Has anyone who got in been able to see their financial aid package or the transfer credit evaluation?

@ihopeigetintoVT Correct… Pathways applies to 2022 grads and beyond.

@vt2k18 I see neither.