Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

10 Days you guys we almost there

The countdown begins. 10 days might seem long, but it’s closer than we think. Think of it as next Friday, we’ll know our decision!

oh gosh, that’s so close!!! more stress to add along with finals, hopefully the decision will shed some light during finals week!

Guys i need some help,

i am trying to change my status to in-state but they are giving me a hard time. They said if I’m not above 24 i need a sponsor. does anyone know more about residency stuff… Also note that i did not apply for take last year because i was not working.


Hi guys, I was on the Fall 2017 transfer forum last year and was in the same exact position, but I ended up getting accepted into VT! So if anyone has any questions please let me know!

Hey @gohokies9652 , so were you worried about getting deferred after you submitted your final transcript? I will most likely get all As, but in calculus might get a D. The main problem is that its a freshman requirement for my major (bio).
what was your situation? im looking for any info i can get because im so worried!!

@gohokies9652 What did you do about finding a place to live once you got accepted? Is there a website you used to find a place and did you look for roommates on facebook? Btw, thanks for coming back on this forum to help us out!

@gohokies9652 did you end up doing summer classes at VT the summer after you got accepted? If you did what was the processing for signing up for them and were a lot of people doing summer classes?

@gohokies8282 when I submitted my final transcripts I had a C in Financial Accounting. I’m a business major so I was freaking out so much because I also thought I would get a D. But, they didn’t say anything. If you get accepted and end up getting a D in Calc, I would take it over the summer again and let them know you’re doing that. That was my back up plan lol, but I’m sure you’ll be fine since you’re most likely getting all A’s other than Calc

@HokieHopeful34 I actually got super lucky because someone I went to high school with reached out to me about living with them. But, I know there’s a transfer house on Oak Lane and there’s a few Facebook pages for roommates! I’m part of a few organizations at VT who have Facebook pages and there’s so many people who post about needing a roommate. I would suggest joining the 2020 graduating class Facebook page (or whichever year you’re graduating). And no prob, I’m so excited to see everyone get accepted!

@acceptancewoohoo I took summer classes at my community college after I got accepted last summer :confused: but, this summer I’m taking 2 online classes at VT, and it’s actually 2 summer sessions. So, the first session is from mid May - late June and the second session is from late June - early August. I’m sure the registration/signing up process will be super easy for you, there’s so many spots available, even for online courses!

@gohokies9652 how long did it take you to get your decision from VT?

@gentlebreeze I heard back April 28! I went to instant decision day & they told me to send in my spring transcripts so I figured I’d hear back late

@gohokies9652 so nice of you to come back on here! quick question when you applied last year, did you have all your core classes (math, English ,science) done by the time you applied? I’m a business major and I got my English and science classes done except for math (calc) which I’m taking this semester, but I know they’d prefer you to have that done by the time you apply which is why I’m kind of freaking out. Once again thanks for helping us out!!

@lordefarquadd I took Calc 1, Accounting 2, and Bio 101 after I applied (spring 2017 semester) and I took Bio 102 the summer 2017 semester. So I think you should be completely fine, just as long as you pass it! It’s kind of nice because the Calc class gets us out of MATH 1525 at VT, but it also sucks because we still have to take MATH 1526 (calc with matrices) at the empo regardless of what math we’ve taken. Hope this helps!

@gohokies9652 If I get A’s on all my pre-reqs and say 1 B and end up getting a C in calc 2 at the end of this semester, do you think that one C will revoke my admission if I get in, or do I have to take it over the summer! or might it just pass without them saying anything? Thank you for offering to help all of us here btw!

@gohokies9652 it did! thank you so much!!

@Mada01 you should be totally fine! I was worried about the exact same thing lol since I got a C in Accounting after I applied (I’m a business major so I didn’t think that would look too good), but they didn’t contact me. When I got accepted I remember they stated in a letter that if I got a C or below in any classes then there would be a possibility that they could revoke me, but I was fine and I’ve heard it’s super rare (not trying to scare you because they send that letter to everyone). I also got around 3 C’s on my transcript when I applied. And no prob, I love helping and I’m super excited for the acceptances to come out!

Has anyone applied to the College of Natural Resources, specifically Forestry? My son is a freshman at RU but has decided to pursue Forestry and he knows VT is the best place to do so. He’s anxious about hearing back next week but will continue at RU another year if necessary. He didn’t have any Math courses this year so that does concern me after reading the different threads. Lots of sciences and English requirement done. Thanks and best of luck to all of you!

@gohokies9652 thanks so much!