Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

Did anyone hear go from GMU Engineering to VT after their first year?

So hypothetically, if you get accepted from Tech and wanted to take summer classes then would you have to do them at Tech or could you still do them at your current college?

Does anyone know what time they send out decisions on April 27th??

@HokieHopeful34 after 5 pm, last round was released at 4:30

@HokieHopeful34 around 5-6 pm Eastern time

My son transferred from GMU Engineering to VT Engineering (Civil) between freshman and sophomore year (he is now a junior). Very glad he made the move. Any questions?

Do all transfers receive decision by April 27th?

@blackspace I’m pretty sure, that’s what admissions have been telling us.

I was told by Admissions that notifications will be out after 5 pm, possibly after 4 pm.

@VAEng Was it difficult for your son to find affordable off campus housing after he was notified of his acceptance?

@sail2021 I heard alot of students talking about the Edge apartments, and how it’s cheap and close to VT, Have you considered checking them out ?
Personally, I live in Roanoke and VT is only 40 minutes away

@TarekHA The Edge is actually more expensive than most places but is closer to campus. It’s just a matter if you want cheap or close. If you want cheaper look at Foxridge. I’ve heard good things about them. I’m transferring in this year and staying at the Edge my first year but will probably go elsewhere for next year once I get accustomed to the area.

If anyone needs to find an apartment, good places to start are the VT “Housing, Sublets, and Roomates” Facebook group, or sign up at TechOffcampus. There’s also a VT parents Facebook group that is VERY active and has great information. Members will sometimes post sublets or if any of their kids are in need of a roommate. Have your parents join if they want to help in your search.

@HokieHopeful34 last year I got notified around 3:40 pm!

@gohokies9652 I sent you a PM, just wanted to ask you something.

The transfer house on “oak lane” that was brought up by someone on the previous page no longer exists just FYI. It was turned into a sorority house so it’s no longer an option for transfer students to live in.

i personally signed a lease at terrace view apartments. never lived there before but it is cheap, furnished, and 5 mins away from VT and there is a bus stop on the entrance of the apartment complex. i would consider looking at it if i were you

My friend lives in the fraternity house (the “old transfer house” on Oak Lane) & the fraternity is moving out & they’re making it the transfer house again! I know this is accurate because my friend is going to RA for the house this fall :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great info regarding housing. Will definitely look into those options if he’s accepted.

VT’s website says that for transfers they should have a GPA of 3.0 or better. What are your chances of getting accepted if you are right at 3.0? I have all the freshman classes though, I had an awful roommate experience these past two semesters and it effected my grades last semester.