Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

Per Facebook post from admissions, Transfer application deadline extended until 1 March. This means we probably realistically shouldn’t expect decisions until late April.

First the Freshman RD deadline extension and now Transfers. What’s going on with admissions there this year?

@uvact123 really, where did you hear that from? I called and asked she said it’s better to just get the high school transcripts in so I did. But I heard nothing about a midterm report, just have to submit grades again at the end of the semester and I didn’

@ihopeigetintoVT I know, it’ll be daunting to wait till then. They must have received a lot of applications, hope this doesn’t interfere with our chances of acceptance!!

although the freshmen regular decision moved up from April 5 to March 1 despite the deadline being extended, could be a possibility that we hear back from them earlier as well.

If they had received a lot of apps why would they need to reopen apps for 2 extra weeks? Too few apps? Confusion on deadline like with freshman RD?

Applied last night. 3.679, 42 credits, good rec (they don’t ask but I am sending an Other Recommender), essays, good resume. Applied for Political Science.

@ihopeigetintoVT oh thats a good point I’m guessing we might be hearing back early I guess then

@TransferFall2018 Since your doing political science and it isn’t as competitive I think your good especially if you have good essay since that matters a lot too. Did you take the essential core class (math,science, english) because thats another important factor.

Wait I am confused, so If you’re a transfer, you need to send Midterm reports? if so, how do you do that? Also, when do you guys think we might be hearing back for the decisions? I am anxious

i am freaking out over this. i am transferring from NVCC and i have a 3.48 GPA with my freshman english done, bio 101 and precalculus, i was gonna take a second science over summer. do you think i could get in and take calculus at VT. i also will have 56 completed credits at NvCC. please respond and help me answer some questions

applied to pamplin

@lordefarquadd From what I saw, all of my requirements should be met.
English – ENL 101, ENL 102 (Critical Writing I and II); ENL 265 (Sophomore level business-oriented writing course); ENL 200 (Literature)
Science – BIO, PHY
Math - Finite Mathematics (business algebra) and Statistics

I was a business major, just recently switched my major at my current institution from Finance to PoliSci.

@Hokie247 I don’t think there will be an issue with Calc. You’ve taken some math and to my knowledge there is not a VCCS calculus equivalent to MTH 1525 & 1526 (calc) required for Bus at Tech. I’ve heard 1525 and 1526 is being replaced with MTH 1524 (Bus Calc) for bus students starting fall 18 but can’t find any
more info on it.

@Hokie247 I am also concerned because I am applying to Pamplin without my Calc requirement. I Have completed all the other recommended courses, but I don’t know if not having the required courses is a make or break deal.

Does anyone know how transfer students do socially? I wonder if it will be difficult to make friends since people typically do that freshman year.

I don’t think missing calc is a deal-breaker, but per their website, preference is given to those who have completed coursework in Freshman ENG, MTH, and SCI. I think in past years people have posted they were accepted and were missing a course in one of the areas, but that may not be the case this year with increasing applications. We probably won’t have the answer to that until April sometime.

I’m also freaking out about my math requirement as well, I did pre-calc last semester and I’m taking applied calc this semester (which is the math requirement) but obviously they won’t see a grade on it on my transcript until this semester is over, but I did put on my application that I’m taking it this semester.

@TransferFall2018 I think you should be fine then, best of luck to all of us!!!

@2379sparkshokie I do know there is separate transfer orientation for transfer students which is nice since you meet people similar to you as well the fact that VA tech is a big transfer school. My cousins transferred to Tech from NVCC and they ended up enjoying it and made a ton of new friends they still keep in touch with (they graduated like 5-7 years ago.) The main thing I’m concerned about though is adjusting academically since 4 year universities are different from community colleges.