Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

Anyone have an idea when acceptances will be coming out? Do you think we would have them earlier than last year because they didnt get enough apps and had to extend the deadline?

@acceptancewoohoo Admissions didn’t give a reason for extending the deadline, so may not have anything to do with # of apps. My guess is that all transfer decisions will come out the same day, like the freshman RDs. If we were to play “guess the date” my WAG is 16 Apr.

So I’m assuming the first wave won’t be on March 3? If it is then I’ll be nervous this whole week lol.

@CTUR782 RD Freshman decisions aren’t out until 5 Mar so there’s no way transfer decisions will come before then. They will be after but there’s no telling how far after.

I just hope we don’t have to wait until May 1st. That’s so far away from now. Some people i know at the school said the applicant pool is smaller this year. So we might find out sooner than later.

@2379sparkshokie no doubt, here’s hoping for transfer decisions sooner rather than later…and there’s no more extensions to the deadline, lol.

oh gosh, I wonder why a smaller applicant pool this year. What do you guys think? I’m not sure if I should be nervous or not hah!

Not sure where the info came regarding the lower application pool, but unless the information came directly from the admissions office, I would not think to much into it. The admissions office did say that the reason the date for regular admisssions was extended was because in the past, the date was in January and it was swithched to early december this year. May high schools were not aware of this and didn’t have information ready to send. Once they moved the regular admissions deadline, they had to then extend the transfer deadline as they are always looked at after the regular freshmen apps. VT has has had an increasing number of apps every year.

In the past 3 years the # of transfer applicants has been in the 2,815-2,890 range. Even if the total applicant total this year dropped to the 10 year low (2,626 in 2013), the offer rate would probably only go up to about 54.8% (assuming the 4 year average of those offered remains at about 1438). Last year the overall transfer admit rate was 49.9%. Of course it all really depends on the numbers needed for each major to know how lower applicant totals would impact us each individually…so never mind, lol.

@SALSRL the regular decision deadline last year was 15 JAN and transfer deadline was 15 FEB. This would be the same dates this year if they did not extend the transfers deadline. So it does not make sense to me this was the reason to extend transfer deadline. If this was the reason they could have extended transfers in December and not after deadline passed.

I agree with @SALSRL. Take any talk of low applicant number talk with a grain of salt unless it comes from admissions.

@trout812 Not true. The original deadline this year for RD was in December this year and was then moved back to January. Many high school councelors were not aware that the change had been made this year so VT moved it back.

@SALSRL I understand it was moved, It was moved to what it was last year, 15 Jan. So the end result it both 2017 and 2018 regular deadline was 15 Jan. Transfer deadline was 15 Feb for 2017 and 2018, What I’m saying Is they made the 15 Jan and 15 Feb dates work in 2017. You’re saying they cant make the 15 Jan and 15 Feb dates work for 2018. Why not If the end result is same deadlines as last year and they managed to make it work then.

@trout812 They also had one of their admissions people leave and start at a new university in January.

Who cares about the past? Let’s talk about the present, so when do you guys think the first wave will be? I was hoping the first week of March, but it seems like it’ll start towards the middle of the month. What’s your guys take on it?

@SALSRL I had heard about that and hoped it wouldn’t have any impact. I’m just glad the deadline extension is only two weeks. Regular decision applicants had it worse. Thanks for the discussion.

@CTUR782 I think they’ll release the decisions at one time in early to mid April, but I like your optimism of mid March. I hope you’re right.

Whos nervous?

Does admissions give preference to in state applicants?

do you guys think that they will not consider a transfer student who has not taken math or biology classes