Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

@TarekHA thanks for the information. If you get in after the appeal, are you gauanteed roominf and stuff?

@nickname123455 I really don’t know, you should call the admission office and ask

Alright thanks a lot

Does anyone know what it looks like if you get accepted to honors college? Got accepted to Pamplin College of Business for Accounting.

3.5 Cum GPA, applied for Liberal Arts college, with English Literature as my major and was denied. I’m so gutted and confused. Not to mention embarrassed.

@nickname123455 Only freshmen are guaranteed housing, unfortunately. Most returning students don’t get on campus housing either, especially because of the huge freshmen class this year.

@hokie55 it’s the last thing on the application summary page underneath requirements it should say college transcript and the next line under that it says honors college decision.

Hey guys I made a transfer group on Facebook to help us search for roommates/housing and meet people. Please join the group, just search “Virginia Tech Transfers- Fall 2018” on Facebook.

does anyone know how to check if we received any financial aid or scholarships?

@agriculturevt You da real mvp.

@agriculturevt Hmm, I can’t find the page on FB. Is it ok if you can post the link?

@KAnne2697 I’m so sorry you got bad news, but you should contact your admissions advisor, and you should definitely not be embarrassed! There could be so many reasons, including the English Lit major capacity for new students. It seems like that would be a small department at VA Tech. Are there other state schools that could be a better fit for your interests?

@agriculturevt I cant find the facebook page. Can you post the link?

Accepted :slight_smile: Have a 3.0 GPA and 34 credits at NVCC. Major is Criminology.

@jmek15 well, you see I’ve already signed a lease with my boyfriend because we thought for sure i would get in so now I’m moving to Blacksburg regardless lol

@KAnne2697 then don’t give up yet even if you have apply again for spring semester. New River Community College is only 17.2 miles from Blacksburg center so you can continue to take classes towards your degree. Consult with your advisor and see if they can provide some guidance. Perhaps in the meantime try to get a job at the university. Best of luck to you!

to those of you guys who have already payed the matriculation fee already, have you made you username/PID and email and everything cuz I did and I’m kinda confused in regards of what to do since in the package that came in the mail said to send immunization records and other stuff. lol I feel like i did something wrong but we’ll see I’m probably gonna call them tomorrow and ask, but just wondering

I just moved. Is there any other way to recieve the acceptance package and stuff? The MyVT website is confusing

Im gonna have to call admissions tomorrow

I am a Virginia Community College transfer student, I will have an associates degree in around a week. I applied to the general biology program in the college of science and got waitlisted. I’m super confused!! This whole time everyone told me since I was a VA community college student with a degree that I was guaranteed admission. Any suggestions???