Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

@NightStar Are you completing the A.S. in Science or some other degree program? What was your GPA?

Nothing is guaranteed unless you apply through the VCCS GAA and meet their specific requirements.

heyy @agriculturevt I wasn’t able to find the group either, the search just turned up a link to this thread

also is there anyone here that’s transferring after one year looking for on campus housing

@ihopeigetintoVT well my gpa is a 3.2 and I know is alittle low. I’ve made mostly As towards my degree at western but in high school I took a lot of dual enrollment and made Bs. I also didn’t know I was suppose to sign an agreement. I knew the college of agriculture had an articulation agreement but I couldn’t find one for the college of science. I am graduated with a degree in environmental science. I just didn’t think I was going to get waitlisted baised on all the people I’ve talked too. It was just disappointing.

@NightStar Most VA schools require you to sign an agreement, but not VT. You just apply and there is a block on the app where you check it’s GAA. GAA for business is 3.4, but I thought science was 3.0 or 3.2, which you meet. Call your transfer advisor tomorrow and discuss. You could file an appeal and get in based on info you provided. It’s worth a try. Good luck.

@lordefarquadd I’m transferring after one year and wanna live on campus lol

@hdc2701 I was also invited to the Honors College!

@ihopeigetintoVT thanks for your help! I’ve emailed but not response yet, I’m going to call tomorrow. Hopefully it will work out.

@Mada01 what’s your major!?

I still did not hear back and my status still says no decision. my advisor is telling me that they are waiting for my final grades to come through. I am a nvcc student doing the guaranteed admissions program. does anyone know if tech released everything today?

@frank246 hmm that’s weird, since on the vt website it says everyone will be notified by May 1. You should call and ask them, it may had been a glitch. I had a friend who applied to mason and whatever reason her application decision didn’t fully process and she found out she got in 2 weeks later. Call and ask them! Hopefully its nothing!

does it show up if you get rejected from honors college? because I don’t even have a section for the honors college on my application page, even though I was emailed a while ago saying that I would be considered for it.

@techuva8 I think everyone with a GPA over a certain level received the notice that they would be considered. I think you are notified only if you are invited, and the notification would simply be the word “Invited” on your acceptance page. That’s my understanding, but DS didn’t get the “invited” either so I don’t know for sure :slight_smile:

@NightStar I think 3.4 gpa is guaranteed admission…

@NightStar Bilogy falls under life science so their is a specific articulation agreement for it and requires the signed articulation letter of intent (vs business which falls under the General GAA and doesn’t). The GPA requirement is 3.0 which appears you would have met. Maybe they figured VT wasn’t your top choice since you didn’t do GAA and were qualified so you were waitlisted.

@ihopeigetintoVT maybe that’s the reason why, I didn’t know that I had to sign an agreement because I thought it was automatically considered. I messed up because I didn’t apply anywhere else… dumb I know I just really thought I was going to be admitted given what I’ve been told the past few years working towards my degree at western.

@NightStar if you really want VT bad you could probably sign an agreement now for fall ‘19 and take a gap year. Assuming you meet the academic requirements in GAA (Bio 101/102, Chem 111/112, etc.). Something you’d need to verify with VT and your advisor. If not, I believe VCU, UMW, ODU, and GMU are still accepting transfer apps.

My daughter accepted her offer of admission as a transfer (Biology.) She added herself to the housing waitlist then was invited to live in the new transfer housing. Anybody else?

@lordfarquaad General Engineering! Hoping to do Computer Science

@gohokies9652 so I officially have a C for calc 2 now and hopefully will be my only C with the rest all As and 1 B! You think admissions might be harsher on me since its a core class for Engineering and I’m in the Engineering school! Like might my Admission be revoked cause of that over someone with a C in another major? Thanks again!