Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

His, Are there anyone in this group transfer from NOVA college to College of Engineer as Guaranteed Admission Agreement? Thank in advance

What’s the Transfer House option for next year? Is that the same as dorms or not?

@KhoiDang I’m transferring from NOVA, but as a incoming Sophomore. Since you are doing it through the GAA, are you guaranteed a placement in your major? I want to major in Computer Science, but apparently not everyone get’s their choice. I’m under General Engineering at the moment, but I don’t want to end up majoring in Mechanical or Civil Engineering. This is why I’m tempted to stay at NOVA another year and get through GAA if that helps in being placed in my major.

@KhoiDang @Mada01 Do any of you guys know how likely it is to get Computer Science as my major? I don’t want to major in anything other than that. This is one reason why I have not accepted my admission offer yet, and am actually debating whether I should just go to Mason if that means I’d be guaranteed my major or staying another year at NOVA to be placed under GAA.

@CTUR782 Because you can’t transfer your GPA to VT. So, transfer student MUST stay at least 1 semester as General Engineer before declare the major. That is what the advisor told me. I’m going to finish my Computer Science AS next year. But the Dean of computer science in NOVA told me that Computer Science doesn’t be considered an Engineering degree, so I can’t go to VT as GAA student.

@CTUR782 I was also kinda worried about that! Like do students have guaranteed admission into their majors or is there a process and you might not get into your first choice but get into your second and all that! Cause that would suck tbh!

@KhoiDang Wait so you are also an incoming sophomore at Tech? So according to what you said, it wouldn’t make a difference staying a year extra at NOVA for me and getting accepted through GAA because my major will only be decided by me doing a semester at Tech.

@KhoiDang If that’s the case then I’ll probably accept my offer of admission for Fall 2018. @Mada01 Have you accepted your admission offer already? I still haven’t because I’m worried I might not get my choice of major. This is honestly a big deal breaker for me because I’m not ready to major in something that isn’t my passion or choice. If Mason would guarantee me the major, then I’d rather attend George Mason through GAA compared to Tech.

@godzpeach I’m also looking into the new transfer housing as well!

Is there anyone else one here that’s looking into living in the transfer house?

Is anyone able to work Hokie Spa? I did my PID and my 2 factor log in thing and it wont let me log in saying there is an error. Is anyone else having a problem?

@CTUR782 I will apply to VT in Fall 2019. So yes, you should accept your offer to VT now. Your plan is similar to my plan. Apply to GMU as Computer Science and apply to VT as General Engineer. But if I got accepted from VT. I will go to VT. haha. Something you should take a risk to get what you want

Finacial Aid info is up on the application summary page.

is the hokiespa web page down for you guys? Whenever it takes me to the login page it says some error came up

@KhoiDang Thank you for the advice. Only reason that I’ve been a bit skeptical is that I don’t want to end up majoring in something that I hate doing (Civil, Mechanical, etc…) and if staying a year more at NOVA would give me a greater chance of getting in my major then I would do it. I’m leaning towards accepting it so, but I’m not 100% decided right now.

@techuva8 the old transfer house is going to be the transfer house again in the fall along with another fraternity house that recently got removed from campus (at least that’s what I’ve heard) but that’d be great bc that’s a lot more rooms. In the original transfer house it’s set up like a dorm and you get your own bathroom & shower which is pretty nice!

@lordefarquadd Hokiespa was down for me earlier too.

Hi! I’m going to be a freshman at nvcc looking to transfer to VT for fall 2019. I am also looking to double major in animal and poultry science and Biochemistry. These fall under the college of agriculture and life science so would the goal requirements for GAA be under College or Agriculture and Life Science or General? Also if anyone went down this route I’d love to hear stories and advice!

@daylightskies the best advice I can give to you in regards to what you’re planning on majoring in is to talk to an adviser from tech, you can always call them and ask. I also talked to an adviser during a transfer fair during the fall at nvcc @ the loudoun campus and that helped me a lotttttt so keep an eye out for that. From my personal experience, I’m a bit iffy about the advisers at nova some are good some are ehh. Good luck!

@techuva8 We were on campus this week and talked to housing. The transfer experience will be in the fraternity house the university took over. They said 35 transfer student will live there.